I originally read this book when I was in the 4th grade,
and I love it as much now as I did then. For a young adult book, I felt the
subject matter was something that many kids could relate to: Family, and more
specifically that families come in many forms, but are always there when you
need them. I felt the characters were also very relatable.
I know that some reviews I have read previously for this
book have indicated that they feel the 'over' use of hyphens (-) and ellipses
(…) are not needed. I do disagree with this, as the author was trying to
utilize these to indicate the slow drawl that a Southern accent would have,
including these characters who were from Texas. Anyone who is from the
Southeastern US or spoken to someone from the Southeastern US, understands that
we speak slowly and we have an accent that accommodates our drawn out speech
patterns. The author is merely using these punctuation marks in the capacity to
which they are afforded, in this instance, to show the long pauses and drawn
out words that the Southern dialect utilizes.
Overall, this book is a great read, regardless of age,
and I highly recommend reading it for yourself!
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