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Showing posts from July, 2018

When God’s Ways Make No Sense by Dr. Larry Crabb

I did receive this book at no charge for my unbiased, honest opinion. This book: When God’s Ways Make No Sense by Dr. Larry Crabb, was a hard read for me. Not in that I couldn’t read it, but that I found it hard to view the subject matter from his viewpoint. Though this book covers a common subject matter that many try to tackle, it came at it from a psychological standpoint. The examples Dr. Crabb provided: Jonah, Saul, and Habakkuk, were all well research and good examples, but for me it lacked a connection to the scripture that I had hoped would be presented, and came through as more text book or essay like rather than theologically based.

The Edge of Over There by Shawn Smucker

I did receive this book at no charge for my unbiased, honest opinion. I absolutely loved this book! While it is listed as an adult fiction, it could easily be a great read for Young Adults as well. Abra is fearless! She is a wonderful lead character who is dynamic. I loved reading about her overcoming hear fears in order to do what she knew was right. Without a doubt, she is one of the best female characters created in a heroine/lead role. The characters were also just as relatable. The storyline was easy to follow and excellently detailed. I thought it was brilliant how the author incorporated history and legend/folklore into the story. It afforded the narrative a sense of realism that is otherwise otherworldly tale. It was incredibly imaginative story and an overall great read!

Battle Ready by Kelly Balarie

I did receive this book at no charge from the publisher for my unbiased, honest opinion. This book is fantastic! As someone who struggles with anxiety and depression, I can absolutely see the benefits that this book will bring for many years to come. It is not your typical book that you read once and are done with it. This is one of those books that you can read and re-read, over and over and always get something new and helpful from each time. The author outlines 12 mindsets that we all at sometime or another get stuck and how to correct these mindsets to make our lives better. Each chapter is gives an example of how someone has struggled with that mindset. She breaks the examples down so they are easy to follow and understand. She goes over how each issue has different points of view (or mindsets) that you could view the issue and how each of those points of view provides different possible outcomes. It helps you to understand your options in similar situations, and since each...

12 Faithful Men by Collin Hansen and Jeff Robinson

I did receive this book at no charge from the publisher for my unbiased, honest opinion. Disclaimer: I am not this books target audience. The target audience for this book is specifically for pastors, deacons, or other (mostly male) heads of the church. Here after all heads of the church will be grouped together under the term Preacher. The book boils down to one main premise: that all preachers who are truly called to be servants of God as preachers tend to have a somewhat tragic life in some form or fashion. All of the biblical scriptures and each of the ’12 Faithful Men’ mentioned are examples to back this belief. He gives examples of how even in biblical times, the Apostle Paul had to experience tragedy, and how in many of Paul's letters, he mentions that to truly be a good teacher of God’s word then you would need to go through many tragedies not only to test your faithfulness but to be a better preacher. Paul (and thus the author) further explains that through...